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Seeking Father Gordon Gilsdorf Anecdotes and Memories

Seeking Father Gordon Gilsdorf Anecdotes and Memories

Submit your Fr. Gordon Gilsdorf memories online by July 31.

Bishop Robert Morneau has been in communication with Randolph Remmel, a former student of Father Gordon Gilsdorf, in regards to creating a biography about Father Gilsdorf.

The Notre Dame Academy Office of Alumni Relations is requesting contributions of recollections, reminiscences, and anecdotes from students of the schools where Father Gilsdorf taught: Sacred Heart Seminary, Saint Mary's Academy, and Notre Dame Academy about experiences, either personal or academic, they recall from their years with Father Gilsdorf.

Contributions may be of any length and should highlight any of the character traits for which Father Gilsdorf. Please include, as closely as possible, the time, location, and circumstance of each experience related.

Photographs, accompanied by all pertinent information, are also welcome, though it should be noted that neither photographs nor copy can be returned in the absence of a self-addressed, post-paid envelope provided by the contributor.

To be eligible for inclusion in the text, please fill out the form at or submit information to Notre Dame Academy (Attn: Alumni Relations, 610 Maryhill Drive, Green Bay, WI) by July 31.